Customized Shipment of SEG Fabric Light Boxes
  2023/07/27 | View:8

SEG fabric light boxes have become increasingly popular in the advertising industry due to their versatility and impact. These light boxes use a dye-sublimated fabric graphic that is stretched over an aluminum frame, creating a seamless and vibrant display. With the ability to customize the size and shape of the light box, they are perfect for large-scale advertising.

SEGPRO Fabric Light Boxes

One of the main benefits of SEG fabric light boxes is their customized shipment options. These light boxes can be shipped in sections, making it easier to transport and assemble them on site. This is especially important for large light boxes, such as the plastic light box measuring 6000x2500mm or the aluminum light box measuring 2850x2500mm. By shipping in sections, the light boxes can be assembled on site without the need for large trucks or cranes.

Another advantage of SEG fabric light boxes is their impact. The dye-sublimated fabric graphic creates a vibrant and seamless display that is sure to catch the eye of potential customers. They are perfect for use in trade shows, retail stores, and other high-traffic areas.

In addition, SEG fabric light boxes are easy to update and maintain. The fabric graphic can be easily replaced with a new design, allowing for a fresh look without the need to replace the entire light box. They are also energy-efficient, using LED lights that last longer and consume less energy than traditional light boxes.

If you're in the market for an impactful and customizable advertising solution, consider a SEG fabric light box. With their customized shipment options, vibrant display, and easy maintenance, they are the perfect choice for large-scale advertising.

In conclusion, SEG fabric light boxes are the perfect solution for large-scale advertising. With their customized shipment options, vibrant display, and easy maintenance, they are an excellent choice for businesses looking to make a big impact.