Lintel Display Listed as a Key Exhibition Enterprise
  2023/05/30 | View:6

Changzhou, China - In an effort to promote the rapid development of the exhibition industry in Changzhou, the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce has announced the list of key exhibition enterprises that meet the requirements set forth in the "Notice on Conducting the Selection of Key Enterprises in the Exhibition Industry in Changzhou City" (Changshangfu [2023] No. 49).


The selection process involved the application of enterprises, recommendations from the relevant city (district) units, and expert evaluation. The list of enterprises that meet the requirements is now publicly announced, with a public notice period from May 11-17, 2023.

Lintel Display is proud to announce that it has met the selection requirements for key enterprises in the exhibition industry in Changzhou and has been included in the list of the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

"This is a great honor for us," said a spokesperson for Lingtong Exhibition. "We are committed to promoting the development of the exhibition industry in Changzhou and are excited to be part of this effort. We look forward to working with the Bureau and other key enterprises to achieve our shared goals."

The public is encouraged to review the list of selected enterprises, which is attached to the announcement. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Service Trade Department at 85682281 or 85682282. Concerns related to this announcement can also bereported through the supervision hotline at the Office Discipline Inspection Commission at 85682312.

The announcement comes as part of a broader effort to cultivate key exhibition enterprises in Changzhou and promote the development of the exhibition industry. The Bureau of Commerce hopes that the selected enterprises will play a crucial role in achieving these goals and contribute to the overall economic growth of the city.

For more information, please contact the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

Contact Information:

Service Trade Department: 85682281, 85682282

Supervision hotline: Office Discipline Inspection Commission 85682312

Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce

May 10, 2023